Tuesday, August 25, 2009

21st Century Learning Matters: Response


"How would I change education to address the needs of students?"

The video states clearly that education as we saw it for the 20th century must change for that of the 21st. It even says, "[in the 20th century] a mastery of the three 'R's could get you pretty far in life. That era is gone." It poses some very interesting questions like, "What are the essential skills and knowledge for the 21st century?" "What needs to be learned?" and "How will it be learned?" These are powerful questions for educators and students alike - questions that need to be answered.

There are several ways to prepare students for learning in the 21st century, some of which were stated in the video. First of all, educators, administrators and policy-makers themselves need to "possess and employ those skills [they] hope to instill in.. children." Teachers having knowledge of new technology will prepare them for teaching with that new technology, which is the next step in adjusting education for the future. Teachers need to use computers in the classroom, assign homework and post grades online. All of these are small steps to take to help children become accustomed to the latest technology. Also, students need to be aware of how important it is to be prepared for the the future. They should learn the facts from the video, like "In five years, a super computer will have more processing power than the human brain."

Changing education and developing new ideas for education today are extremely important. Technology is developing so fast, students need to be prepared. All of these are ways I would change education, to be sure to prepare students for their future.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

CIS 100 - Shift Happens Video Response

In response to this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LHhVWCXmuzE I was asked
"What is your impression of the video's content and how do you think it will affect you?"

The video gives a lot to think about. It seems like as soon as we hit the 21st century, technology has been advancing faster than we can adapt. We need to start planning ahead by teaching our children as early as possible how to live in this new world. The only way for us to do that is to be aware ourselves, and learn as much as we can about new technology as it develops, and by encouraging our educators to use this new technology in the classroom.
Hearing this new perspective, I'm more aware that learning as much as possible about, say, computers is incredibly important. How many jobs require me to be computer literate? How many professions are completely based on computer knowledge? And what about my children? They'll be required to know even more about computers and technology than I am, since technology is developing at an exponential rate.
Honestly, I started using computers in Kindergarten. But this video has given me a new respect for this class. It's obvious it's a required course- it will help me in the future, which is the entire purpose of my attending college.